In the Project NRPM the basis for a comprehensive handbook for modeling and calculating the reliability of components and systems used for unmanned space flight was developed for the European Space Agency (ESA). The ESA manuals follow a uniform standard with many different requirements. In this project, a classic manual was created that meets these requirements. Classic printed manuals are becoming less and less relevant in the course of digitization. When it comes to manuals in engineering, not enough digital thinking has been done so far.
In the course of this project, we transformed the classic handbook with the help of Jupyter Books, Jupyter Notebooks and Read the Docs into a digital version. This digital handbook opens up a multitude of new interaction possibilities between the handbook and the user: for example, interactive probabilistic models allow a low-threshold entry for users of the handbook.
The idea of a digital handbook has application potential in many areas, e.g., technical documents, standards, etc. The first prototype of the digital ESA handbook is accessible at . It will be further developed in the future.