
We have experience in many areas of engineering and have already implemented numerous demanding projects. These include projects from classic civil engineering, such as reliability analyzes for infrastructures (e.g. buildings, road and railway bridges) and offshore structures, risk analysis for tunnels and traffic (e.g. personal risks), as well as risk analyzes in the area of fire protection and for industrial plants. We also create as part of the reliability analyses load models (e.g. for traffic loads and loads from natural hazards such as avalanches and rockfalls) and carry out risk analyzes for natural hazards through.

In addition to classic civil engineering, we also use methods of reliability analysis in the field of mechanical engineering and in the aeronautics- and aerospace model failure rates of components (model and data-based) and calculate and assess risks.

We also work on projects decision making for customers on a conceptual level and on the basis of specific questions. For example, we have derived risk acceptance criteria for companies and the public sector and created risk management concepts.

Due to our large overview of methods in the various areas and our proximity to scientific developments, we know the state of the art very well and can therefore also assess which methods and approaches correspond to the standard in different industries.

Do you have any questions about our company or would you like a consultation?

Call or email us, we look forward to our next challenge.

Digital ESA Handbook

September 8, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

Life cycle management for bridges

August 1, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

Data-based natural hazard prevention

July 14, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

Condition monitoring for wind farms

July 12, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

Decommissioning and dismantling cost study

July 1, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

Auto fill tool

March 8, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

SBB Bridge Basel

January 31, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

model uncertainties

January 1, 2022/by Matthew Schubert

Modeling axle loads locomotives

January 1, 2021/by Matthew Schubert

wave height model

December 1, 2020/by Matthew Schubert

Benefit analysis of monitoring systems

October 1, 2020/by Matthew Schubert – eine neue Methodik für Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen in Weltraumanwendungen

October 1, 2020/by michaelscholl
Personendichten im Retail – Wissenschaftliche Qualitätssicherung

Escape route requirements in retail

July 10, 2020/by michaelscholl
Schutzzielprozess Brandschutzvorschriften 2026

Fire safety regulations 2026

January 1, 2020/by michaelscholl

Reliability based inspection planning tool

December 1, 2019/by Matthew Schubert
Skypark Business Center – Brandrisikoanalyse für ein Bürogebäude in Holzbauweise

Fire risk analysis Skypark Luxembourg

November 21, 2019/by michaelscholl
Grundlagen zur Überprüfung und Bemessung von Steinschlagschutzgalerien

Dimensioning of rockfall galleries

August 1, 2019/by michaelscholl
Personenrisiken und Schutzziele im Brandschutz

Personal risks in fire protection

September 19, 2018/by michaelscholl

Fire protection basics in existing buildings

June 13, 2017/by michaelscholl
Studie zur Verwendung von Grenzkosten für ein gerettetes Menschenleben

Marginal costs of saving a human life

December 15, 2016/by michaelscholl
Instandsetzung Steinschlaggalerie Rieinertobel

Restoration of the Rieinertobel rockfall gallery

October 30, 2016/by michaelscholl
Zuverlässigkeit mechanischer Systeme und Komponenten

Reliability analysis ESA

August 23, 2016/by michaelscholl
Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse und Verfügbarkeitsanalyse der geplanten Beschattungsanlage Mataf Shading

Shading system Mataf Shading

March 17, 2015/by michaelscholl
Aktualisierung Lawineneinwirkungen

Updated avalanche effects

December 5, 2014/by michaelscholl
Normierungsgrundlagen zur Überprüfung und Bemessung von Steinschlaggalerien

Standardization bases for rockfall galleries

October 30, 2014/by michaelscholl
TRANSIT - Software zur Risikoanalyse

TRANSIT software

August 1, 2014/by michaelscholl
Entwicklung, Anwendung und Evaluation einer Methode zur Prädiktion von Unfallrisiken auf Nationalstrassen

Risk of accidents on national roads

July 22, 2014/by michaelscholl
Probabilistische Bruchmechanikberechnungen

Offshore fracture mechanics

July 18, 2014/by michaelscholl
Entwicklung einer Richtlinie für Risiken in Tunneln der Nationalstrassen

Tunnel risk policy

June 1, 2014/by michaelscholl
Risikoanalyse Sicherheitsanlagen Kraftwerk Linth Limmern

Linth-Limmern power plant

January 23, 2014/by michaelscholl
Handlungsempfehlung für Brückenstützen

Impact on bridge supports

September 30th, 2013/by michaelscholl

Framework contract for tunnel risk analyses

June 27, 2013/by michaelscholl
Quantitative Analyse der Risiken für die angrenzende Bevölkerung durch Abstürze von Luftfahrzeugen auf ein Gelände der chemischen Industrie

Aircraft crash

March 25, 2013/by michaelscholl
Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit für den Versagensmechanismus Durchstanzen infolge Metallabtrag durch korrosive Prozesse

Punching shear with corrosion

November 6, 2012/by michaelscholl
RiBaDe – Risk based Decisions

Risk-based decisions for FOEN

January 1, 2012/by michaelscholl
Standardisierte Konzepte zur Datendarstellung und Entwicklung von Modellen zur Risikobeurteilung

Risk assessment highway

November 3, 2011/by michaelscholl
Zuverlässigkeits- und Risikobasierte Kriterien für Halbtauchplattformen

Risk-based criteria for semi-submersibles

Aug 4, 2011/by michaelscholl
Entwicklung und Durchsetzung eines Sicherheitskonzeptes für die Planung (QGP), den Bau und den Betrieb des Tourismusresorts Andermatt Swiss Alps

Andermatt Swiss Alps

June 1, 2011/by michaelscholl
Entwicklung einer Besten Praxis Methode zur Risikomodellierung für Strassentunnelanlagen

Risk modeling for tunnel systems

June 1, 2011/by michaelscholl
Zuverlässigkeits- und Risikobasierte Inspektionsplanung für Jacket Strukturen im Golf von Mexiko

Inspection planning for jacket structures

December 1, 2010/by michaelscholl
Weiterentwicklung der RBI Methode für F(P)SO Einheiten

Inspection planning for F(P)SO units

September 1, 2010/by michaelscholl
"Wasserkraftwerk Grande Dixence" – Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse an der Kraftwerkstufe

Hydroelectric power station Grande Dixence

January 22, 2010/by michaelscholl
Falling Rocks – Risikoberechnung für Steinschlagschutzgalerien

Risk calculation for rockfall galleries

June 1, 2009/by michaelscholl
Risikoanalyse Tromsø Tunnel

Risk analysis Tromsø Tunnel

January 15, 2009/by michaelscholl